Rieffel Packaging

Client: Rieffel
Role: Packaging Design
Credits: Rieffel, Creation

I was excited to take on the packaging redesign project for Rieffel, a Swiss company that produces safes and key accessories, among other things.

The challenge of this project was to create a packaging design that would reflect Rieffel’s commitment to quality, security, and innovation while also standing out in a crowded market. To approach this challenge, I first conducted thorough research on Rieffel’s history, values, and competition. I also analysed consumer trends and preferences in the security and accessory sector.

Based on my research, I developed three distinct packaging concepts that would reflect the brand’s values and appeal to its target audience. Each concept featured bold, clean, eye-catching graphics and elements.

Although the pitch was not chosen by the client, I am proud of the effort that went into the design concepts. The project showcased my ability to approach packaging design with strategy and attention to detail.


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