Karlijn: ACNE Tribe Video

Client: ACNE
Role: Production, Shooting, Editing
Credits: Deloitte, ACNE

ACNE a well known creative agency has recently opened an office in Zurich, and I’m thrilled to have been asked to contribute to their introduction to the Swiss market. As part of this effort, I was tasked with creating tribe videos of team members that showcase their personal interests and hobbies.

The goal of these videos is to give a human face to the newly opened agency in Zurich. By highlighting the diverse interests and backgrounds of the team members, we hope to connect with potential clients and partners on a more personal level.

Creating these tribe videos has been a lot of fun and a great opportunity to get to know the team members. It’s been inspiring to see the range of interests and talents that make up the ACNE team.

I’m excited to see how these videos will be received by the Swiss market and look forward to contributing to the growth and success of the ACNE agency in Zurich.


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