
Client: Personal project
Role: Concept, artwork, editing

Introducing “Whales,” a video poem created by using the latest AI tools for video generation and text-to-speech.

As an experimentalist with a passion for creativity and innovation, I set out to explore the limitless possibilities of AI-generated visuals and audio. And what better subject to capture than the magnificent and awe-inspiring creatures that roam our oceans – whales.

In “Whales,” I’ve combined visuals with the powerful words of a heartfelt ChatGPT poem, brought to life through the unique intonations and cadences of text-to-speech technology. The result is a visually striking and emotionally charged experience that will transport you to the depths of the ocean and leave you in awe of these majestic creatures.

In Premiere Pro, I carefully edited and polished the final video and audio, ensuring that every moment is as breathtaking as the last. The final product showcases the boundless potential of AI technology in the realm of creative expression.


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