
Client: Mindcraft
Role: Art Direction, Corporate Design, Webdesign, Audio Production, Social Media

Link: www.mindcraft.vision


I had the privilege of collaborating with Mindcraft to create a cutting-edge digital platform from scratch. Here’s a snapshot of the work I did:

Logo design and corporate identity
I crafted a unique logo and cohesive corporate identity that reflect Mindcraft innovative spirit.

Web design and development
I designed and developed the entire website, focusing on intuitive navigation and modern aesthetics. This included setting up a fully functional webshop with a secure payment system.

AI-Generated imagery
To ensure visual consistency, I generated high-quality images using AI technology, perfectly aligning with the brand’s vision.

PDF document design
I designed a detailed PDF document that serves as a comprehensive guide for users, maintaining visual and messaging consistency.

Audio production
The core product of Mindcraft is its audio guides. I created these using AI text-to-speech technology, edited them for clarity, and selected complementary background music.

Play a sample:

Social media integration
I established and designed all social media channels, extending the brand’s reach and driving traffic to the website.

End-to-end product creation
From corporate design to strategic messaging and marketing strategy, I managed every aspect of the project, delivering a complete and cohesive digital product.

Mindcraft stands as a testament to my ability to deliver comprehensive digital solutions, seamlessly integrating design, content, and technology.


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